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A post Keynesian perspective on 21st century economic problems

نام موجودیت:


نوع موجودیت:


  • عنوان:
  • A post Keynesian perspective on 21st century economic problems
  • تاریخ نشر:
  • 2002.
  • تعداد صفحات:
  • xii, 258 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
  • توصیف:
  • Includes bibliographical references and index. (کتابنامه)br 
    Latin America's quasi-stagnation / Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira -- Neomonetarist dreams and realities: a review of the Brazilian experience / Alfredo Saad-Filho, Lecio Morais -- A critique of the proposal for monetary union in Mercosur / Fernando Ferrari-Filho -- The balance of payments-constrained growth model and the limits to export-led growth / Robert A. Blecker -- A new approach to test the balance of payments-constrained growth model, with reference to the Mexican economy / Jim Carlos Moreno Brid -- Bank's liquidity preference and financial provision / Penelope Hawkins -- Racial/ethic disparity and economic development / William Darity -- Saving and investment: the theoretical case for lower interest rates / Basil Moore -- Demand constraints and the new economy / Marc-Andr?ش‌ Pigeon, L. Randall Wray -- Full employment policies must consider effective demand and structural and technological change: a prime point of Pasinetti's political economy / Mathew Forstater -- Unemployment and profitability: the case of Spain / Jesus Felipe -- VAT reduction for consumption-oriented, labor-intensive services in the European Union: a stimulus to employment? The case of Germany / Hubert Hieke. (مندرجات)br 
  • شابک:
  • 1840646160
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