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Confronting genocide Judaism, Christianity, Islam

نام موجودیت:


نوع موجودیت:


  • عنوان:
  • Confronting genocide Judaism, Christianity, Islam
  • تاریخ نشر:
  • c2009.
  • تعداد صفحات:
  • xvii, 350 p. ; 23 cm.
  • توصیف:
  • Includes bibliographical references and index. (کتابنامه)br 
    Introduction: Genocide in the name of God : thoughts on religion and genocide / Steven Leonard Jacobs -- Textual warrants for genocide -- Theological warrants for genocide : Judaism, Islam, and Christianity / Leo Kuper -- The last uncomfortable religious question? : monotheistic exclusivism and textual superiority in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as sources of hate and genocide / Steven Leonard Jacobs -- A sweet-smelling sacrifice : genocide, the Bible, and the indigenous peoples of the United States, selected examples / Chris Mato Nunpa -- The accountability of religion in genocide / James Frazer Moore -- More than the Jews-- his blood be upon all the children : biblical violence, genocide, and responsible reading / Gary A. Phillips -- Religion and mass violence : empirical data and case studies -- Religion and genocide / Leonard B. Glick -- Jihad and genocide : the case of the Armenians / Richard L. Rubenstein -- Islam and genocide : the case of Bangladesh in 1971 / Mohammad Omar Farooq -- The genocidal twentieth century in the Balkans / Paul Mojzes -- "Death was everywhere, even in front of the church" : Christian faith and the Rwandan genocide / Stephen R. Haynes -- Alternative readings of troubling texts : religion as a force against violence -- Getting rid of the G-d of Abraham : a prerequisite for genocide / David Patterson -- The Ten commandments, the Holocaust, and reflections on genocide / Paul R. Bartrop -- Coming to terms with Amalek : testing the limits of hospitality / Henry F. Knight -- Theologies and practices of reconciliation -- Post-Shoah restitution of a different kind / John K. Roth -- The Holocaust, genocide, and the Catholic Church / Donald J. Dietrich -- Catholic views on Holocaust and genocide : a critical appraisal / John T. Pawlikowski -- Terror out of zion : making sense of scriptural teaching / Zev Garber -- Rape, religion, and genocide : an unholy silence / Carol Rittner. (مندرجات)br 
  • شابک:
  • 9780739135884 (cloth : alk. paper)
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