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Organic indoor air pollutants occurrence, measurement, evaluation

نام موجودیت:


نوع موجودیت:


  • عنوان:
  • Organic indoor air pollutants occurrence, measurement, evaluation
  • تاریخ نشر:
  • 1999.
  • تعداد صفحات:
  • xv, 328 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
  • توصیف:
  • Includes bibliographical references and index. (کتابنامه)br 
    1.Measuring organic indoor pollutants -- 1.1.Application of solid sorbents for the sampling of volatile organic compounds in indoor air /E. Uhde -- 1.2.Sampling and analysis of aldehydes, phenols and diisocyanates /M. Schulz and T. Salthammer -- 1.3.Sampling and analysis of wood preservatives in test chambers /O. Jann and O. Wilke -- 1.4.Sampling and analysis of PCDDs/PCDFs, PAHs and PCBs /M. Ball and T. Salthammer -- 1.5.Application of diffusive samplers /D. Crump -- 1.6.Real-time monitoring of organic compounds /L. E. Ekberg -- 1.7.Assessment methods for bioaerosols /P. S. Thorne and D. Heederik -- 1.8.Standard test methods for the determination of VOCs and SVOCs in automobile interiors /H. Bauhof and M. Wensing -- 1.9.Nomenclature and occurrence of glycols and their derivatives in indoor air /P. Stolz, N. Weis and J. Krooss -- 2.Environmental test chambers and cells -- 2.1.Environmental test chambers /M. Wensing -- 2.2.field and laboratory emission cell - FLEC /H. Gustafsson -- 2.3.Mathematical modeling of test chamber kinetics /S. Kephalopoulos -- 3.Release of organic compounds from indoor materials -- 3.1.Occurring of volatile organic compounds in indoor air /S. K. Brown -- 3.2.Emission from floor coverings /K. Saarela -- 3.3.Indoor air pollution by release of VOCs from wood-based furniture /T. Salthammer -- 3.4.Volatile organic ingredients of household and consumer products /T. Salthammer -- 3.5.Occurrence of biocides in the indoor environment /W. Butte -- 3.6.Secondary emission /L. Gunnarsen and U. D. Kjaer -- 3.7.Release of MVOCs from microorganisms /J. Bjurman -- 3.8.Indoor bioaerosols - sources and characteristics /P. S. Thorne and D. Heederik -- 4.Investigation concepts and quality guidelines for organic air pollutants -- 4.1.Indoor air quality guidelines /P. Pluschke -- 4.2.TVOC concept /L. Molhave. (مندرجات)br 
  • شابک:
  • 3527296220
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