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Six sizzling markets how to profit from investing in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Korea, and Mexico

نام موجودیت:


نوع موجودیت:


  • عنوان:
  • Six sizzling markets how to profit from investing in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Korea, and Mexico
  • تاریخ نشر:
  • c2008.
  • تعداد صفحات:
  • x, 374 p. ; 24 cm.
  • توصیف:
  • Includes bibliographical references (p. 351-356) and index. (کتابنامه)br 
    Why Invest in These Six Sizzling Markets -- Passion and paradox: the history of Brazil -- The real world: Brazil from 1994 to today -- A land of opportunity: investing in Brazil -- Catching up with the west: the history of Russia -- Blind turns and growing pains: Russia from 1998 to today -- Resources to rubles in a new world economy: investing in Russia -- A state of mind: the history of India -- Shadows to sunshine: India from 1991 to today -- Power in numbers: investing in region India -- Tradition, truth, and transformation: the history of China -- Calculated conduct: China from 1978 to today -- Manufacturing a future: investing in China -- A peninsula of perseverance: the history of Korea -- A blessing in disguise: Korea from 1993 to today -- High profits in a tricky neighborhood: investing in Korea -- Revolution and exclusion: a history of Mexico -- Democracy and a free economy: Mexico from 1994 to today -- The second Mexican independence: investing in Mexico -- Tips for investing in the six sizzling markets. (مندرجات)br 
  • شابک:
  • 9780470178881 (cloth)
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